Introducing expert agenda templates

Are you still writing meeting agendas from scratch? Try our ready-to-go professional agendas and meeting scripts written by leading industry experts.

We’ve made hosting smarter client meetings even easier with the launch of our library of accounting meeting agendas. We’ve got agendas that cover the full client lifecycle from discovery and onboarding through to compliance and advisory meetings. We’ve even got agenda templates for accounting team meetings!

How do I access expert agendas?

Connect4 expert agendas
Expert agendas

Our complete library of expert meeting agenda templates is available for free on our website.

To use an expert agenda in the wild, simply sign up for a free trial of Connect4.

All of our agenda templates are accessible from the sidebar. You can modify expert templates to your specific needs and even save brand new templates for the whole team to use.

Browse expert agenda library
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Rory Macrae

Rory is Connect4’s Head of Design. He leads the design of the app as well as all things related to the Connect4 brand.

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