Capitalise capital review

45 mins

A health check for an advisor working with clients on their capital management or funding needs.

Ollie Maitland

Co-Founder & Chief Product Officer, Capitalise

What are your business plans for the next 12 months? (10 min)

  • What are your growth objectives?
  • What are your financing plans?
  • What are you concerned about?

Credit profile review (10 min)

Credit score/limit:

  • Has it changed?
    a) Has it improved and the client can access better rates on existing facilities/ better supplier terms?
    b) Has it gone down? What happens if they are squeezed on their supplier terms?
  • Can it be repaired?
  • How does it compare to the industry average?
  • How many searches in the past 3/12 months?
  • Is the client able to tender for new work?

Payment performance

  • Are there any missed payments?
  • How does it compare to the industry average?


  •  Are there any registered events on the profile?

Debtor Book Review (10 min)

Who isn’t paying/why aren’t they paying

  • How many days overdue are the invoices?
  • Is the debtor still trading?

Check the debtors credit score

  • Have they tried chasing it?
  • Can they afford to not get the cash into the business/ what happens if they don’t get paid?

Debtor days

  • What are their payment terms?
  • Is cashflow an issue?
  • Could they benefit from an Invoice Finance facility to get paid faster?

Credit Check

  • Is the debtor’s credit score a C or below?

Upcoming liabilities review (10 min)

Cash-flow forecasts

  • Are they struggling with cash-flow?
  • Do they have any upcoming liabilities that they can’t satisfy?
  • Any short term working capital needs?

Existing facilities up for review

  • Are there any existing facilities on the balance sheet?
  • Potential for refinance/consolidation? If they have multiple outgoing payments in a month do they want to roll that up into one loan?

Growth plans?

  • Are there plans for growth?
  • Do they have the cash to sustain the growth?
  • Are there any upcoming projects that they need funding?

Confirming actions to be taken (5 min)

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Capitalise capital review agenda template summary

Ollie Maitland is Chief Product Officer and Co-founder of Capitalise and responsible for product strategy, design and engineering. Capitalise offer unique business performance insights, credit improvement advice, debt recovery tools and access to a huge range of suitable funding options.

In this expert agenda template we provide a solid framework for an advisor to complete a comprehensive client health check and diagnose capital management and funding needs.